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NEW: Monthly Kubernetes Pub Quiz

Mar 15, 2021

2 min read




I’ll get straight to the point. I’ve started hosting a monthly online Kubernetes Pub Quiz.

Here’s what you need to know…

Pub quizzes are something we do in the UK. You go to your local pub and meet-up with friends. While you’re there, a quiz master hosts a live quiz and everyone has fun. That’s it.

So, I’m doing the same thing for the Kubernetes and cloud native community.

Here’s the detail.

  1. It’s a live virtual event on Zoom (

  2. It’s fun

  3. It’s free

  4. There’s a monthly guest

  5. We talk about something cool every month

  6. You get involved in the chat window and ask and answer questions

  7. I host a K8s quiz with about 30 fun questions

  8. You use the “Kahoot” app to join in the quiz

  9. It’s a safe place to hang out and talk about all things Kubernetes and cloud native


This is what the agenda looks like each month:

  1. Intros and shout-outs. Each month we call out a few of your names and where you’re form etc.

  2. Quiz round 1: ~10 fun K8s questions

  3. Topic discussion: I talk with the guest about a topic (something like service mesh, serverless, etc). You get involved in the chat window

  4. Quiz round 2: ~10 slightly technical questions

  5. Free chat: More talking with guest answering your questions

  6. Quiz round 3: ~10 questions about Kubernetes stuff in the news

  7. Banter and last orders

How to attend

  1. Sign up here

  2. Remember to attend 😀

  3. Install the “Kahoot” app on your phone to join in the quiz (it’s super simple)

The quiz part is entirely optional, you can just attend the zoom part and watch the quiz. However, the quiz is fun, and the cleverest person probably won’t win. So don’t worry about coming last. In fact, the quiz only shows the top handful of people, it doesn’t show who is last.

The pub name

Pubs in the UK have quirky names like The Cat and Fiddle, The Queen’s Head, Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, and The Slug and Lettuce. So we thought we’d do the same for the pub quiz. Each month I’ll host a poll on my Twitter and LinkedIn feeds with name suggestions. For example, for the first quiz, we’re voting on these:

  1. The Node and Namespace

  2. The Tainted Tavern

  3. The YAML an Horses

  4. The API’s Head

That’s all. Sign-up and spread the word.

Mar 15, 2021

2 min read





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